Experience :

1+ year

6+ months
$25/short (2-4 days)
Scripted Shorts
$30/short case by case
(3-5 days)
(5-7 days)
Payment will be done on PayPal.
Personal mistakes (subtitles errors, duplicated clips) will not be counted as a revision.
please provide a specific clip/timestamp, any vod without specific timestamp will be additionaly charged $20/hour
Your contact information MUST BE ACTIVE.
I have the right to refuse a clip if it is deemed to be not fit for the format
Credentials to my work must be applied to the video's description by linking my Twitter account.
I reserve the right to use the commission as part of my portfolio and post a clip from the video on my Twitter account.
I have the right to stream part of the process on Twitch. (If you want the utmost secrecy of the work, please inform me about it beforehand)
send me "yo waddup" for a discount*
* new client only